[Azure App Service] Error Rendering Sitecore.JavaScriptServices.ViewEngine.Presentation.JsLayoutRenderer: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: address

Scenario: Sitecore deployed on Azure App Service running JSS in Integrated Mode.

I ran everything by the book (aka followed the link here: https://jss.sitecore.com/docs/techniques/azure-deployment) doing step 3 & 4

However loading the site and an yellow page of death showing the above error.

A few hours of scratching the head and searching the web went by...

Found this gem on the web: https://blog.yannickreekmans.be/use-node-js-64-bit-on-azure-app-service/

It turns out that you have to let the App Service know the version of Node.js running on your app service. 

So I added this application setting in my app service and it works like a charm:

So what went wrong in the guide from Sitecore? 

I rechecked step 2 which are mentioned as optional! Well, it is. However don't forget to complete step 2.6 like what I did.

Happy Sitecoring!


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